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Press Release: Labour Office Recommendation Win SENFU Workers Demands

Mediation between employer of PT. Senopati Fujitrans Logistic Services (PT SENFU) with workers has over by releasing an written recommendation from labour office, Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) of Bekasi district number 565/4669/Disnaker dated 4 September 2019, which states as below:…
KSPBN Held Demonstrations against Toyota in 13 Cities

Jakarta – Solidarity Commitee for Nanbu Workers Struggle (KSPBN) held demonstrations protesting against work accident case and layoffs. The first action was held in front of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) in Sunter, North Jakarta, on Sunday (April…
TNI-police MoU is a tool to clobber labour strikes – February 13, 2018 Sherr Rinn – The National Police (Polri) and the Indonesian military (TNI) have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which Polri can request assistance from the TNI to secure protest actions and labour…